Emma’s Last Blessing

All Things Dear Painting of Emma Smith by Julie Rogers

Emma’s Last Blessing

Some time shortly before Joseph was leaving for Carthage, Emma asked him for a blessing.  The Prophet told her he didn’t have time just then to give her a blessing, but for her to write the best blessing she could and he would sign it when he returned.   Emma wrote [the desires of her heart […]

Emma Tribute

Emma Hale Smith, An Elect Lady

Emma Tribute

It has been said Joseph Smith “has done more, save Jesus only, for the salvation of men in this world, than any other man that ever lived in it.”  It has also been said behind every great man is a great woman.  Joseph Smith chose who his companion would be, his own words she was […]

The Irish Mormon Prophet


The Irish Mormon Prophet

The Smith’s DNA was not like any Smith in England that Perego could find. Perego began DNA detective work — trying to find a close match. After narrowing his search he discovered that the Smith family DNA matched very closely with the many descendants of “Niall of the Nine Hostages,” a fifth-century Irish warlord who […]