Testament of the Twelve Apostles Being Assigned the Authority to Lead the Church of Jesus Christ

Joseph Smith Teaches

Testament of the Twelve Apostles Being Assigned the Authority to Lead the Church of Jesus Christ

Below was written in the hand of Orson Hyde, March 1844: We, the undersigned, do hereby solemnly, sincerely, and truly testify before God, Angels, and men, unto all people unto whom this certificate may come, that we were present at a Council in the latter part of the Month of March last, held in the […]

“My people shall become a numerous and mighty host in the vastness of the Rocky Mountains.” – Joseph Smith

Mormon Migration to the Rocky Mountains

“My people shall become a numerous and mighty host in the vastness of the Rocky Mountains.” – Joseph Smith

Many saints were privileged to hear Joseph Smith’s prophecies pertaining to the exodus from Missouri.  As a followup to Joseph Smith Jr & Brigham Young descendants gathering at Martin’s Cove this article highlights a few quotes from those who heard Joseph Smith speak to them directly about the new life that awaits the Saints out […]

Bridging a Rift of False Tradition: The Healing Letter Between Joseph’s and Brigham’s Descendants

Brigham Young

Bridging a Rift of False Tradition: The Healing Letter Between Joseph’s and Brigham’s Descendants

Written by Mary Ellen Elggren “What of Joseph Smith’s family? What of his boys? I have prayed from the beginning for Sister Emma…They are in the hands of God, and when they make their appearance before this people, full of his power, there are none but what will say – ‘Amen! We are ready to […]

Healing the Rift Between Brigham and Emma


Healing the Rift Between Brigham and Emma

From the Latter-day Saint perspective in the 19th-century West, the whole world was against them. “Brigham Young is hearing comments of Emma stating this or that, most of which are taken out of context because he is hearing them through third parties. … So he makes all these harsh statements about Emma — and those […]