DNA shows Joseph Smith was Irish

King Niall

DNA shows Joseph Smith was Irish

Ugo Perego research – Joseph Smith English or Irish, probably Irish: Joseph Smith English or Irish SANDY, Utah — DNA research into Joseph Smith Jr.’s genealogy has turned up a surprise, according to Ugo Perego, director of operations at the Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation: A rare DNA marker shows that the assumption Smith’s family line […]

The Irish Mormon Prophet


The Irish Mormon Prophet

The Smith’s DNA was not like any Smith in England that Perego could find. Perego began DNA detective work — trying to find a close match. After narrowing his search he discovered that the Smith family DNA matched very closely with the many descendants of “Niall of the Nine Hostages,” a fifth-century Irish warlord who […]

Joseph Smith Jr. Now Even More Irish


Joseph Smith Jr. Now Even More Irish

Mormon prophet Joseph Smith Jr., was shown in 2008 to have descended from Irish royalty. Ugo Perego, a senior researcher at Sorenson Molecular Genealogy Foundation, said recent DNA tests show the connection is even more certain. In 2008 Perego found a DNA connection between Joseph Smith, the first prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of […]