The Nauvoo Legion on Parade

Nauvoo Legion on Parade

The Nauvoo Legion on Parade

April 6, [Tuesday] 1841 – At an early hour the several companies comprising the “Nauvoo Legion,” with two volunteer companies for Iowa Territory, making sixteen companies in all, assembled at their several places of rendezvous, and were conducted in due order to the ground assigned for general review.1 This was the first Nauvoo Legion review […]

“My people shall become a numerous and mighty host in the vastness of the Rocky Mountains.” – Joseph Smith

Mormon Migration to the Rocky Mountains

“My people shall become a numerous and mighty host in the vastness of the Rocky Mountains.” – Joseph Smith

Many saints were privileged to hear Joseph Smith’s prophecies pertaining to the exodus from Missouri.  As a followup to Joseph Smith Jr & Brigham Young descendants gathering at Martin’s Cove this article highlights a few quotes from those who heard Joseph Smith speak to them directly about the new life that awaits the Saints out […]

“Joe Duncan” Joseph Smith’s Horse

Joe Duncan

“Joe Duncan” Joseph Smith’s Horse

Moses Martin Sanders Sr., born 17 Aug. 1803 came from a wealthy family in Maury County, Tennessee.  The details are lost to history, but he and his wife were converted to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and was baptized on 28 Jan 1835.  They gathered with the saints in Far West, Missouri in 1836, and […]